Industry Recognized Credentials for Marketing

Essential Safety IRC(s)

For this program area, students must (1) be prepared to take and (2) be provided with an opportunity to achieve at least one of the listed Essential Safety Credentials.

CertificationCertifying Organization
OSHA 10 - General IndustryOSHA

Essential Industry IRC(s)

All programs must (1) prepare all students in the program to take, and (2) provide an opportunity for them to achieve, at least one essential credential.

    Credentials on the essential list are included based on the following criteria:
    1. The certification must have high-value currency in the market, which can be gained through various processes including transparency initiatives, general awareness, endorsements and validations, regulations, hiring policies and practices, and/or procedures that can be used to translate the credential into academic credit.
    2. Must lead to improved hiring outcomes and/or increased earnings for students who attain the credential.
    3. Credentials required for employment in program field must be included.
CredentialCertifying Organization
HubSpot Academy
NRF (National Retail Federation) Foundation
Google - Skillshop

Supplemental IRC(s)

Programs may choose to differentiate and expand upon their program by offering additional credentials.

Credentials listed as Supplemental/Specialized may include:

  1. Credentials that are endorsed by local or regional industry associations or workforce boards.
  2. Must be attainable for students in the program who master the competencies outlined in the relevant Career Technical Education Framework such as an advanced/stacked credential above the essentials.
  3. May be equipment, tool, software or process specific if valued by industry.
CredentialCertifying Organization
Retail Industry Fundamentals Specialists
NRF (National Retail Federation) Foundation
Business of Retail Certified Specialists
NRF (National Retail Federation) Foundation
NRF (National Retail Federation) Foundation
Social Media MarketingHubSpot Academy
Digital Marketing CertificationHubSpot Academy
Inbound Marketing CertificationHubSpot Academy
Professional Diploma in Digital MarketingDigital Marketing Institute
Specialist Diploma Media MarketingDigital Marketing Institute
Certified Search Marketing SpecialistsDigital Marketing Institute
Content Marketing CertificationDigital Marketing Institute
Google Project ManagerGoogle
Google AnalyticsGoogle
Social Media MarketingHootsuite