​​​Dental Assisting Standards and Skills​

Standards are critical areas of competency aligned to industry identified needs and Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) that will support student success in the field. Standards provide the structure that empowers the teacher to choose the best curriculum and instructional approaches to guide skill and knowledge development for students. The standards below are cross-walked with the Essential Industry Credentials.

Health & Safety Standards

Standard 1: Safety and Health in a Dental Assisting Environment

Standard 1: Safety and Health in a Dental Assisting Environment

Students will apply health and safety standard precautions and infection control measures, management of dental instruments and equipment, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), workspace ergonomics, and personal safety practices.




  1. Explain the general principles of asepsis (i.e., clean, medical, sterile, and disinfection), and demonstrate medical asepsis handwash technique.
  2. Identify and define hazard communications including emergency codes, dental care signage, classification and labeling of chemicals, safety data sheets, and other forms of warning.
  3. Explain safe disposal of needles, sharps, and biohazardous waste materials in accordance with industry and OSHA standards.
  4. Follow the regulations described in the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Standards.
  5. Examine risks of bloodborne pathogens (BBP) exposure; using safe practices, design a risk control plan.
  6. Compare infectious agents (bacteria, viruses, fungi/yeast).
  7. Apply all facility procedural concepts to prevent errors and injury through a safe work environment.
  8. Explain the need for immunization against infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B.
  9. Apply safety education for patients and dental health care provider.
  10. Describe infectious diseases and their relationship to patient safety and occupational risk.
  11. Apply universal and standard precautions in the prevention of disease transmission.
  12. Demonstrate hand hygiene according to industry standards.
  13. Apply and dispose of PPE according to current industry and OSHA standards.
  14. Maintain aseptic conditions.
  15. Identify and dispose of biohazardous waste generated in the dental office according to current industry and OSHA standards.
  16. Perform sterilization procedures.
  17. Prepare and transport dental instruments and equipment for sterilization.
  18. Use the appropriate method for sterilization/monitoring of sterilization for dental instruments, equipment, and supplies.
  19. Demonstrate environmental asepsis.
  20. Place and remove protective barriers on all surfaces that cannot be easily and thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  21. Rinse and disinfect all impressions, bite registrations and removable appliances prior to removing items from the treatment area.
  22. Maintain, test, and document results of dental unit waterlines according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
  23. Incorporate engineering and work practice controls.
  24. Incorporate ergonomics for the dental assistant including optimal positioning, reaching movements and muscle strengthening exercises for the fingers, hands, and wrists.
  25. Perform appropriate first aid procedures, document and report all incidents, such as cuts/punctures from instruments, needle sticks, or chemical exposures according to industry standards.
  26. Organize and utilize safety information for all chemicals in the dental office.
  27. Maintain and document a quality assurance (quality improvement) program for infection control and safety throughout the dental office.
  28. Establish morning and evening (opening and closing) routines for the dental office.
  29. Establish routines for equipment maintenance in the dental office.
  30. Describe disaster and fire evacuation plans used by various facilities and statewide alert codes.

Technical & Integrated Academic Standards

Standard 2: Dentalcare Organizational Structures and Professionalism

Standard 2: Dentalcare Organizational Structures and Professionalism

Students will be able to explain dentalcare organizational structures, credentialing and professionalism including the patient Bill of Rights, the Dental Practice Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).


  1. Identify the types of dental healthcare facilities.
  2. Outline the organizational structure of the dental healthcare team.
  3. Explain the role of the dental assistant on the dental healthcare team.
  4. Explain the legal standards practiced by the dental assistant.
  5. Summarize the Dental Practice Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Patient`s Bill of Rights.
  6. Describe the role of the mandated reporter.
  7. Identify professional dental assistant organizations and explain state and national licensures and credentialing pathways.
  8. Examine ethical and legal issues and the standards for dentalcare professions (e.g., standards of care, facility ethical protocol, and appropriate legal documents, including the American Dental Association (ADA) Principles of Ethics and Code of Conduct).
  9. Identify the standards of conduct that the dental assistant must maintain in his or her daily care of patients.
  10. Identify regulations associated with Consent (e.g., verbal, written, electronic, implied, and exceptions).
  11. Explain strategies to maintain patient dignity and confidentiality.
  12. Examine requirements of the Board of Registration in Massachusetts (MA), ethics, and jurisprudence exam for dental assistants.
Standard 3: Fundamentals of Life Saving, First Aid, and Life Support

Standard 3: Fundamentals of Life Saving, First Aid, and Basic Life Support

Students will master the required skills of basic CPR, First Aid, and Basic Life Support (BLS) aligned to CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in the Dental Healthcare Setting.



First Aid


  1. Employ emergency protocols in office/facility including activation of EMS and notification of appropriate personnel.
  2. Recognize and assist with medical emergencies in the dental office.
  3. Demonstrate cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  4. Demonstrate the operation of the automated external defibrillator.
  5. Demonstrate response to a patient with an obstructed airway.
  6. Demonstrate preparing the oxygen system.
  7. Demonstrate response to the unresponsive patient such as: cerebrovascular accident (stroke), breathing difficulty, allergic reaction, convulsive seizure, diabetic emergency, and chest pain.
  8. Recognize and assist with the following emergencies: syncope, anaphylactic shock, asthma attack, hyperventilation, postural hypotension, pregnant patient, and cardiac emergencies.
  9. Demonstrate basic life support (CPR) at the minimum accepted standard of practice (e.g., compression, AED, and breathing techniques).
  10. Perform standard first aid skills (e.g., hemorrhage, shock, fainting, and choking).
  11. Explain CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in the Dental Healthcare Setting.
Standard 4: Dental Anatomy

Standard 4: Dental Anatomy

Students will be able to identify and apply knowledge of tooth morphology, common anatomical features, tooth classification and numbering system, and basic head and neck anatomy.

  1. Apply knowledge of tooth morphology and dental anatomy.
  2. Identify surfaces, arches, and quadrants using correct terminology.
  3. Identify structures and tissues of a tooth.
  4. Identify the primary and permanent teeth using the Palmer and Universal methods.
  5. Identify the various landmarks of the oral cavity and salivary glands.
  6. Identify and label the various landmarks of the face.
  7. Identify and label the bones of the cranium, the face, and the landmarks of the maxilla and mandible.
  8. Identify parts of the temporomandibular joint and describe how the joint works.
  9. List and identify the muscles of mastication, facial expression, the tongue, and the floor of the mouth.
  10. List and identify the nerves of the maxilla and the mandible.
  11. Identify the arteries and veins of the head and neck.
Standard 5: Office Management and Communications

Standard 5: Office Management and Communications

Students will be able to intake and discharge patients, schedule appointments, maintain electronic medical records, and utilize business management software to code procedures and diagnostics for billing and insurance purposes.



  1. Demonstrate appropriate verbal, nonverbal, and written communications skills.
  2. Utilize proper medical terminology (spoken and written) to interpret and communicate information, data, and observations.
  3. Use medical/dental terms and abbreviations and common prescription abbreviations.
  4. Demonstrate answering the phone, apply voice quality, asking and answering questions.
  5. Answer, prioritize, and accurately address in-office and phone calls from patients, vendors, and other industry professionals.
  6. Describe observation skills used in the workplace.
  7. Complete and identify the components of an incident report.
  8. Demonstrate the process of scheduling appointments.
  9. Explain the importance of responding to patients in a timely, compassionate, and professional manner.
  10. Prepare, obtain, and verify patient information for scheduling, registration, and check-in using two forms of patient identification (i.e., state-issued driver’s license, insurance card, photo ID, etc.).
  11. Manage patient intake, including recognizing and responding appropriately to dental emergencies and notifying the appropriate facility personnel as needed.
  12. Identify ethical considerations regarding confidentiality, maintaining integrity and security of medical records in accordance with state rules and standards of practice.
  13. Determine ethical electronic communication in the workplace (appropriate cell phone usage, text messaging, social networking, digital photography, etc.).
  14. Demonstrate ethical conduct, compassion, and awareness of cultural and generational differences.
  15. List strategies to maintain patient dignity at all times.
  16. Demonstrate respect for diverse populations.
  17. Interact appropriately with pediatric patients and assist with common pediatric patient needs.
  18. Review, record, and update patients’ personal, medical, and dental information.
  19. Utilize electronic medical and dental records to maintain patient records (e.g., updating patient charts, retrieving, and relaying information, documenting lab and X-ray reports, progress notes and diagnostic summaries, and submitting electronic prescriptions).
  20. Summarize the steps in receiving patient payments.
  21. Demonstrate the steps involved in filing insurance claims and demonstrate knowledge of insurance terms and procedure codes.
Standard 6: Examination Room Procedures

Standard 6: Examination Room Procedures

Students will be able to demonstrate examination room procedures including obtaining vital signs and blood pressure, documenting dental exams and procedures, and providing procedure/treatment instructions to patients.



  1. Explain procedure to prepare exam room, including supplies and dental instruments for minor surgeries or procedures (e.g., defining a sterile field, applying sterile gloves, preparing sterile instruments for use).
  2. Demonstrate basic assessment techniques.
  3. Obtain and record vital signs.
  4. Demonstrate procedures used to position and drape patients.
  5. Explain procedures used with all patients.
  6. Demonstrate safe transfer techniques for all patients.
  7. Recognize abnormal oral pathology.
  8. Assist with basic chair side dental procedures.
  9. Prepare the operatory for patient treatment.
  10. Demonstrate seating and dismissing the patient.
  11. Prepare necessary armamentarium to deliver anesthetic as requested by doctor.
  12. Apply or assist topical anesthetic to the injection site.
  13. Review medical and dental history.
  14. Recognize and review medications, their usage, and contraindications.
  15. Demonstrate patient/assistant/operator positions during dental treatment.
  16. Assist and record dental screenings, charting of the oral cavity and surrounding structures including restorations, lesions, and periodontal proving depths.
  17. Record conditions of the teeth and surrounding periodontium.
  18. Demonstrate placing and removing a dental dam.
  19. Determine accurate quadrant and single tooth isolations using the appropriate clamps/widgets.
  20. Maintain a clear operating field.
  21. Demonstrate oral evacuation, achieve moisture control.
  22. Perform retraction of lips, cheek, tongue, and other oral tissue parts.
  23. Place cotton pellets and temporary restorative materials into endodontic openings.
  24. Describe childhood development stages and behavior management techniques.
  25. Demonstrate appropriate interaction and assistance with pediatric patients.
  26. Identify the oral aids specific to pediatric patients.
  27. Assemble hand pieces and rotary instruments and transfer instruments according to industry standards.
  28. Demonstrate polishing teeth, after dentist or hygienist has determined that teeth are free of calculus.
  29. Provide patient instruction/education as required to follow provider’s treatment plan for various dental procedures, and medications.
  30. Provide pre-operative and post-operative care instructions for all dental procedures.
Standard 7: Dental Materials

Standard 7: Dental Materials

Students will be able to produce high-quality impressions and models using selected materials.



  1. Explain the properties of dental materials.
  2. Demonstrate the manipulation, preparation, and application of impression materials.
  3. Demonstrate the manipulation, preparation, and application of gypsum products.
  4. Demonstrate the manipulation, preparation, and application of all restorative materials.
  5. Demonstrate the preparation and application of abrasives and polishing agents.
  6. Demonstrate the manipulation, preparation, and application of sedative/palliative materials.
  7. Demonstrate the manipulation, preparation, and application of whitening materials.
  8. Demonstrate the preparation and mixing of dental cements, liners, and bases.
Standard 8: Clinical Skills

Standard 8: Clinical Skills

Students will demonstrate clinical procedures and skills including preparing material for taking impressions, selection of material for fluoride treatments, identifying oral abnormalities and dental disease.



  1. Demonstrate approved methods of measuring and recording patient vital signs, blood pressure, and pulse oximetry (orthostatic, manually, and electric).
  2. Assist in anesthesia administration, monitor nitrous oxide analgesia, including patient monitoring, (must hold BLS certification).
  3. Collect diagnostic data and record symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders.
  4. Prepare armamentarium and manipulate dental materials for restorative procedures.
  5. Demonstrate four-handed dentistry concepts.
  6. Assist with amalgam procedures.
  7. Assist with composite procedures.
  8. Compare and contrast amalgam and composite materials used in dental procedures.
  9. Explain uses of a Tofflemire matrix band, place and remove matrix bands.
  10. Prepare and assemble prescribed matrices.
  11. Prepare armamentarium and manipulate dental materials for prosthodontic procedures.
  12. Explain procedure to produce quality impressions using gypsum products.
  13. Obtain impressions for study casts and all forms of bite registrations.
  14. Fabricate custom impression trays.
  15. Assist with fabrication of provisional crowns, placement of a stainless-steel crown, and pulpotomy of a primary tooth.
  16. Assist with fixed prosthodontics procedures.
  17. Place and remove gingival retraction cord.
  18. Assist with removable prosthodontics procedures.
  19. Summarize procedures for construction of a full or partial denture.
  20. Assist with the adjustment or reline of fixed and removable prosthetics.
  21. Polish removable appliances and prostheses.
  22. Demonstrate procedure to take impressions for a custom athletic mouth guard.
  23. Fabricate Custom Mouth Guard, change case on Custom Mouth Guard.
  24. Select and prepare armamentarium and dental materials for preventive procedures.
  25. Assist with preventive procedures.
  26. Explain the purpose of preventive dentistry.
  27. Select appropriate materials for fluoride treatment and identify the modes of fluoride therapy including topical and systemic.
  28. Assist with application of abrasives and polishing agents, dental sealants, and whitening materials.
  29. Prepare armamentarium and demonstrate rubber cup polishing.
  30. Prepare and assist with the application of dental sealants.
  31. Describe the clinical indications and contraindications for dental sealants.
  32. Evaluate the patient`s oral health care status and habits.
  33. Summarize dietary analysis for dental disease control and provide oral hygiene instruction.
  34. Assist with Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology related to dental materials.
  35. Assist with 3-D printing, digital scanning, and other laser technologies used in dental practice.
  36. Explain laser technology and related safety concerns.
Standard 9: Surgical Preparation and Assisting

Standard 9: Surgical Preparation and Assisting

Students will be able to demonstrate preparation for and assist with surgeries including, oral, periodontal, orthodontic, and endodontic surgical procedures, assembling required surgical equipment and supplies, and demonstrating proper operating room conduct and asepsis.


  1. Prepare armamentarium and dental materials for oral/periodontal surgical procedures.
  2. Identify specialized instruments used for basic surgical procedures.
  3. Demonstrate protocols for the aseptic unwrapping of sterile packaging, scrubbed personnel attire, post-surgical clean up, and proper disposal of hazardous medical waste.
  4. Using industry standard procedures, maintain, and operate Autoclaves.
  5. Demonstrate how to sterilize instruments, including ultrasonic cleaning, wrap surgical tools, and fold gowns and drapes for sterilization.
  6. Assist with implant procedures.
  7. Describe the indications for and contraindications to dental implants.
  8. Assist with placement and removal of sutures.
  9. Perform mixing and placement of surgical dressing.
  10. Assist with surgical procedures.
  11. Perform a surgical scrub.
  12. Perform donning and removal of PPE for surgical procedures.
  13. Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of recovering surgical patients.
  14. Perform and/or assist with orthodontic procedures, including placing and removing separators, placing arch wires, placing, and removing ligature ties and elastomeric ties.
  15. Explain the importance of occlusion, and the development, classifications, and results of malocclusion.
  16. Identify oral habits and conditions that affect the dentition.
  17. Record symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders.
  18. Prepare for and assist with the collection of diagnostic data.
  19. Prepare armamentarium and manipulation of any dental material for orthodontic procedures.
  20. Identify various fixed and removable orthodontic appliances and their uses.
  21. Demonstrate performing intraoral and extraoral photographs.
  22. Prepare armamentarium and manipulate any dental materials for endodontic procedures.
  23. Assist during endodontic procedures.
  24. Describe surgical endodontic procedures.
  25. Assist with pulp vitality testing.
Standard 10: Dental Radiographic Imaging

Standard 10: Dental Radiographic Imaging

Students will be able to implement safety measures for all methods of diagnostic imaging including proper use of PPE and radiology equipment and assisting with completion of diagnostic radiographs.

  1. Identify and describe the factors affecting X-ray production, including kVp, mA, and exposure time.
  2. Describe the characteristics of X-ray radiation.
  3. Describe X-ray machine factors that influence radiation safety, (e.g., concepts of filtration, shielding, collimation and Position Indicating Device (PID), cone length).
  4. Explain the X-radiation physics principles of primary and scatter (secondary) radiation.
  5. Describe protocol for suspected X-ray machine malfunctions.
  6. Apply patient safety measures to provide protection from x-radiation.
  7. Identify major causes of unnecessary x-radiation exposure.
  8. Explain the effects of x-radiation on the human body.
  9. Identify ways to reduce x-radiation exposure to patients.
  10. Explain the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) safety guidelines that determine the frequency of exposure to patients and operators.
  11. Identify sources of x-radiation to operators/other staff while exposing radiographs.
  12. Identify safety measures to reduce operator x-ray exposure.
  13. Explain the principles of x-radiation physics and biology pertaining to operator exposure.
  14. Explain the biological effects of radiation exposure and safety precautions needed.
  15. Describe techniques for monitoring individual x-radiation exposure.
  16. Describe the ALARA principle as related to operator safety.
  17. Explain the function of a personal monitoring device.
  18. List the characteristic properties of x-ray beam and ionizing radiation.
  19. Describe how x-rays are produced.
  20. List and describe the possible interactions of x-rays with matter.
  21. Identify the component parts of the x-ray machine.
  22. Expose and evaluate radiographs.
  23. Describe the use and purpose of various intraoral and extraoral radiographs.
  24. Select appropriate radiographic image to examine, view, or survey conditions, teeth, or landmarks.
  25. Select appropriate equipment for radiographic techniques.
  26. Describe the purpose and advantage of accessories for radiographic techniques.
  27. Select appropriate film size or digital sensor (sensitivity) depending on patient characteristics and indicated exposure technique.
  28. Describe the purpose and advantage of dual (double) film packets.
  29. Maintain quality assurance control and appropriate storage of radiograph film.
  30. Inspect and evaluate film storage areas for recommended temperature, humidity, radiation protection, and inventory control.
  31. Identify and correct errors related to improperly stored, exposed, and unexposed radiographic film.
  32. Select patient management techniques before, during, and after radiographic exposure.
  33. Address patient concerns about radiation, including patient refusal of radiography.
  34. Describe techniques for patient management while exposing radiographs, including patients with special needs.
  35. Expose dental films, using various techniques.
  36. List factors that influence quality of exposure, including mA settings, and kVp.
  37. Compare paralleling and bisecting angle techniques, including advantages and disadvantages of each.
  38. Name the parts and functions of a radiograph film packet.
  39. Describe the function and maintenance of film cassettes and intensifying screens.
  40. Describe techniques for exposing (patient positioning) during panoramic and cephalometric radiographs.
  41. Demonstrate basic knowledge of digital radiography.
  42. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography.
  43. Demonstrate proper handling of image receptors.
  44. Demonstrate infection control protocol for digital equipment use.
  45. Evaluate radiographs images.
  46. Identify and correct errors related to exposing intraoral and extraoral radiographs.
  47. Identify and correct errors related to exposing extraoral radiographs, including patient positioning errors.
  48. Prepare, maintain, and replenish radiographic solutions for manual and automatic processors.
  49. Describe functions of processing solutions.
  50. Describe procedures for maintaining the integrity of processing solutions and equipment.
  51. Process exposed intraoral and extraoral radiographs by use of manual and automatic techniques.
  52. Identify optimum conditions and procedures for processing radiographs.
  53. Identify and correct errors related to radiographic processing.
  54. Identify and correct errors due to improper film handling.
  55. Demonstrate and apply infection control for radiographic processing.
  56. Store and dispose chemical agents used in radiography procedures according to the local regulatory agency, in compliance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
  57. Implement quality assurance procedures (e.g., daily recording of solution temperatures, dates of solution changes, test film runs, clean and maintain equipment, knowledge of periodic inspections).
  58. Mount radiographs using buccal (facial) view.
  59. Identify anatomical landmarks that aid in correct image mounting and viewing.
  60. Match specific tooth views to specified tooth mount windows.
  61. Demonstrate appropriate techniques for image viewing.
  62. Identify anatomical structure and dental materials on radiographs, including differentiating between radiolucent and radiopaque.
  63. Prepare radiographs for legal requirements, viewing, and duplication.
  64. Describe and demonstrate methods for duplicating radiographs.
  65. Identify information that must legally appear on all radiographic images.
  66. List reasons for exposing and retaining radiographs.

Employability Standards

Standard 11: Employability Skills

Standard 11: Employability Skills

Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the roles of professional communication, critical thinking, problem solving, professionalism, teamwork, and collaboration to the field of work.

  1. Demonstrate the impact of oral communication skills in a dental care setting.
  2. Analyze implications of incorrect information on a patient’s dental health.
  3. Be able to prioritize and communicate the most important information in a dental care setting to positively impact ultimate outcomes of dental health.
  4. Evaluate the effectiveness of a hypothetical organization of roles in a dental care setting.
  5. Describe the impact of personal attitude, effort ,and reliability to the success of a dental care organization.
  6. Examine the role of a Dental Assistant in society, particularly in terms of its significance for employability and career opportunities.

Entrepreneurship Standards

Standard 12: Entrepreneurship

Standard 12: Entrepreneurship

Students will be able to explain various career pathways in the field, describe opportunities for entrepreneurship and be able to evaluate the value proposition of business ownership in this field.


  1. Name the possible career pathways in the dental care field.
  2. Understand and be able to explain the needs of a startup dental care practice (including initial equipment and staffing needs, a marketing/business plan, and a basic revenue management strategy).
  3. Describe the concept of professional networking and demonstrate personal introductions and an “elevator speech” in a professional setting.
  4. Evaluate the licensing, regulatory, and tax implications of business ownership in the dental care field.

Digital Literacy Standards

Standard 13: Digital Literacy

Standard 13: Digital Literacy

Students will be able to understand the role computer science, digital literacy and social media play in society and this field.


  1. Demonstrate safe practices and critical thinking when collaborating, researching, and utilizing online resources and platforms common to the dental care setting.
  2. Understand how to be a safe and ethical consumer and creator of relevant digital content.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate usage of clinical management software common to the dental care setting.
  4. Demonstrate appropriate usage of scheduling and case management software common to the dental care setting.
  5. Understand the role of research and preparation in support of a dental care professional.