
Career Cluster

Aviation Maintenance Technician

This framework is designed for students to gain insight and skills and credentials necessary for success in this field, including the essential credentials. This program may not operate without MA Chapter 74 state approval.: Coming Soon

This framework will be available for public comment once the standards and Industry Recognized Credentials are posted.

Standards - Coming Soon

Standards are critical areas of competency aligned to industry identified needs and Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) that will support student success in the field. Standards provide the structure that empowers the teacher to choose the best curriculum and instructional approaches to guide skill and knowledge development for students. The standards below are crosswalked with the Essential Industry Credentials.

View the Standards

Print/Download the Standards

Industry Recognized Credentials - Coming Soon

Industry Recognized Credentials demonstrate standards and skills that strengthen student access to careers upon graduation. Each framework identifies at least one essential safety and essential industry credential, with supplemental and specialized credentials identified to help expand opportunities.

View the Safety, Essential, Supplemental, and Specialized Credentials

Instructional Resources

The following resources are provided to support educators in developing curriculum and delivering instruction related to this framework. For CTE Chapter 74 programs, instructors can refer to these resources in developing the 900+ hours of required learning time.

Employer Survey Highlights

Math Lessons:
The following Math Lesson and Teachers Guide provide an illustration of how a specific math concept is used in the context of career application.

Program Administration Resources 

aviation mechanic

Aviation Maintenance Technician-Related Career Massachusetts Outlook

Aircraft Structure, Surfaces, Rigging and Systems ​


Current Jobs


Median Wage


New Jobs

Career and Technical Student Organization
State Teacher Licenses

Qualified teachers will hold a Career Technical Teacher License in Aviation Technology.