Industry Recognized Credentials for Advanced Manufacturing

Essential Safety IRC(s)

All programs must (1) prepare students to take and (2) provide an opportunity to achieve Essential credentials to all students in the program.  Credentials on the essential list are included based on the following criteria:
  1. The certification must have high-value currency in the market, which can be gained through various processes including transparency initiatives, general awareness, endorsements and validations, regulations, hiring policies and practices, and/or procedures that can be used to translate the credential into academic credit.
  2. Must lead to improved hiring outcomes and/or increased earnings for students who attain the credential.
  3. Credentials required for employment in program field must be included.
For this Program area, students must (1) prepare students to take and (2) provide an opportunity to achieve earn at least one of the listed Essential Program credentials.
CertificationCertifying Organization
OSHA 10 General IndustryOSHA

Essential Industry IRC(s)

All programs must (1) prepare students to take and (2) provide an opportunity to achieve at least one of the listed Essential Program Credentials.
  1. The certification must have high-value currency in the market, which can be gained through various processes including transparency initiatives, general awareness, endorsements and validations, regulations, hiring policies and practices, and/or procedures that can be used to translate the credential into academic credit.
  2. Must lead to improved hiring outcomes and/or increased earnings for students who attain the credential.
  3. Credentials required for employment in program field must be included.
For this Program area, students must (1) prepare students to take and (2) provide an opportunity to achieve earn at least one of the listed Essential Program credentials.
CertificationCertifying Organization
MACWIC Level One CertificationMassachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP)
NIMS Machining Level 1National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS)
Certified Production Technician (CPT) Manufacturing Skills Standard Council (MSSC)

Supplemental IRC(s)

Programs may choose to differentiate and expand upon their program by offering additional credentials. Credentials listed as Supplemental/Specialized may include:  

  • Credentials that are endorsed by local or regional industry associations or workforce boards
  • Must be attainable for students in the program who master the competencies outlined in the relevant Career Technical Education Framework such as an advanced/stacked credential above the essentials
  • May be equipment, tool, software or process specific if valued by industry.
CertificationCertifying Organization
MACWIC Level 2 Certification Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP)
CAM Milling ProgrammerNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
CAM Turning ProgrammerNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
CNC 5-Axis Milling OperatorNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
CNC Milling SpecialistNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
Press Brake OperatorNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
Industrial Technology Maintenance CertificationsNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
Machining Certifications National Institute for Metalworking Skills
Metalforming CertificationsNational Institute for Metalworking Skills
Level 1 - WeldingNational Center for Construction Education and Research
Certified SolidWorks Associate SolidWorks 
HAAS Certification Lathe HAAS 
HAAS Certification Mill HASS 
MASTERCAM Associate Certification MASTERCAM 
Autodesk Inventor Certified Associate AutoDesk 
Certified Metalworking Fluids SpecialistSociety of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Oil Monitoring Analyst ISociety of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Level I Machine Lubricant AnalystInternational Council for Machinery Lubrication
Certified Oil Monitoring Analyst IISociety of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Certified Measurement and Verification ProfessionalAssociation of Energy Engineers
Fluid Power EngineerInternational Fluid Power Society