Health Assisting Standards and Skills

Standards are critical areas of competency aligned to industry identified needs and Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) that will support student success in the field. Standards provide the structure that empowers the teacher to choose the best curriculum and instructional approaches to guide skill and knowledge development for students. The standards below are cross-walked with the Essential Industry Credentials.

Health & Safety Standards

Standard 1: Safety and Health in a Health Assisting Environment

Safety and Health in a Health Assisting Environment

Students will apply health and safety standard precautions and infection measures, including the preparation of a sterile field, management of medical instruments and equipment, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), workspace ergonomics, and personal safety practices.



  1. Demonstrate health and safety practices following professional medical protocols and OSHA standards.
  2. Examine risks of bloodborne pathogens (BBP) exposure, identify standard precautions and design a risk control plan.
  3. Demonstrate medical asepsis hand wash technique.
  4. Demonstrate use of standard precautions.
  5. Demonstrate industry standard for the use of hand sanitizer.
  6. Identify methods of transmission of microorganisms.
  7. Demonstrate use of personal protective equipment.
  8. Remove and dispose of contaminated gloves.
  9. Identify, recognize, and comply with signage in the health care environment.
  10. Recognize and report signs of infection.
  11. Apply and maintain infection control techniques including PPE used for transmissions-based precautions.
  12. List and apply industry recommended procedures for resident identification.
  13. Demonstrate safe practices while administering patient care activities.
  14. Identify residents that are at risk for falls.
  15. Identify and employ interventions that can be used to prevent resident falls.
  16. Demonstrate and list compliance with appropriate health and safety regulations.
  17. Identify emergency codes used in the healthcare facilities/clinical settings.
  18. Demonstrate needle safety and sharps disposal.
  19. Explain the handling and disposal of bio-hazardous materials.
  20. Apply sterile gloves.
  21. Prepare and maintain a sterile field.
  22. Prepare a 1:10 bleach and water solution for disinfection.
  23. Demonstrate correct preparation of instruments for steam sterilization (autoclave).
  24. Operate and maintain Ultrasonic cleaner and Autoclave.
  25. Describe disaster and fire evacuation plans used by various facilities and statewide alert codes.

Technical & Integrated Academic Standards

Standard 2: Basic Life Support and First Aid

Standard 2: Basic Life Support and First Aid

Students will demonstrate basic life support (CPR) and perform standard first aid skills.

First Aid


  1. Identify the general principles of first aid.
  2. Identify and demonstrate skills for medical emergencies.
  3. Identify and demonstrate skills for injury emergencies.
  4. Identify and demonstrate skills for environmental emergencies.
  5. Demonstrate how to control severe, uncontrollable external bleeding with a manufactured tourniquet.
  6. Students will demonstrate direct pressure to control external bleeding.
  7. Describe and demonstrate skills required to obtain Healthcare Provider CPR.
  8. Describe and demonstrate adult CPR.
  9. Describe and demonstrate pediatric CPR.
  10. Describe and demonstrate skills for the removal of foreign-body airway obstruction.
  11. Identify and demonstrate the use of automated external defibrillation with CPR.
  12. Interview patients to gather medical information, identify patient symptoms via telephone and/or face-to-face triage.
  13. Evaluate and record incident/variance reports based on injuries.
  14. Employ medical emergency protocols in office/facility including activation of EMS and notification of appropriate medical personnel.
Standard 3: Healthcare Careers and Professionalism

Standard 3: Healthcare Careers and Professionalism

Students will examine and explain the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare team, organizational structures, credentialing requirements, and professionalism.



  1. Identify settings, essential functions, and similarities and differences of health care facilities, (e.g., acute care, long-term care, assisted living, homecare, rehabilitation, and hospice).
  2. Explain the organizational structure and essential duties, including delegation process of the healthcare team within a healthcare facility [e.g., physician, physician’s assistant, RN, LPN, nursing assistant, nurse practitioner, discharge coordinator, home health aide, and therapists (physical, occupational, and respiratory)].
  3. Identify the kinds of professional healthcare workers and their credentialing requirements.
  4. Examine ethical and legal issues and the standards for healthcare professions (e.g., nursing code of ethics, facility ethical protocol, and appropriate legal documents).
  5. Demonstrate professional and ethical behavior in clinical practice.
  6. Describe the role of the mandated reporter.
Standard 4: Communication and Patient Relations

Standard 4: Communication and Patient Relations

Students will demonstrate effective client/patient communication skills, exhibiting professional communication including oral, written, and electronic, with clients/patients, visitors, guests, and colleagues.


  1. Utilize proper medical terminology (spoken and written) and abbreviations to interpret and communicate information, data, and observations.
  2. Explain technical medical information and procedures to patients.
  3. Demonstrate telephone etiquette appropriate to a health care setting.
  4. Identify communication barriers and adapt to patient’s needs to convey information effectively and promote a positive atmosphere.
  5. Demonstrate verbal communication.
  6. Demonstrate non-verbal communication.
  7. Adapt communication according to the patient’s needs.
  8. Identify communication barriers.
  9. Verbally report resident status according to industry standards.
  10. Using industry standard software to maintain and record technical information in a resident’s chart.
  11. Employ digital responsibility.
  12. Describe how to process the correction of an error in a resident’s chart.
  13. List reasons for the use of electronic medical records for documentation of assessments and interventions for resident care.
  14. Complete incident/variance report.
  15. List strategies to consistently maintain resident dignity and privacy.
  16. Demonstrate respect for cultural diversity, spiritual beliefs, and personal orientation.
  17. Demonstrate compassion and professionalism to accommodate patients with special needs.
  18. Monitor patients to detect health problems and changes to their emotional wellbeing.
  19. Monitor and assess yourself, your ability to follow instructions from the charge nurse, ability to document tasks, provide quality care, and make improvements or take corrective action.
Standard 5: Basic Nursing Skills

Standard 5: Basic Nursing Skills

Students will demonstrate basic nursing skills including measuring and recording vital signs, height, weight, and blood pressure using industry standard tools and procedures.


  1. Obtain and record body temperature in Celsius/Fahrenheit.
  2. List sites to obtain body temperature.
  3. Demonstrate counting and recording respirations.
  4. Obtain and record pulse.
  5. Locate the eight pulse sites.
  6. Obtain and record respiratory rate.
  7. Demonstrate the use of an incentive spirometry and identify the benefits of its use.
  8. Demonstrate approved methods of measuring and recording patient blood pressure and pulse oximetry (orthostatic, manually, and electric).
  9. Identify and report abnormal vital signs.
  10. Obtain and report pain by utilization of a pain scale.
  11. Obtain and report pulse oximetry.
  12. Explain the method and use of the capillary refill procedure.
  13. Measure and record height (cm/inches).
  14. Measure and record weight (kg/pounds).
  15. Demonstrate procedure for measuring finger stick blood sugar.
  16. Manage inventory control procedures including restocking supplies, rotating stock, and checking expiration dates.
  17. Administer basic health care or medical treatments including giving medication and applying bandages, dressing, or splints.
  18. Assist with diagnostic testing, medical procedures, and examinations.
  19. Analyze patient medical data to understand patient needs and treatment goals.
  20. Describe cleaning and care procedures for patient rooms, treatment rooms, patient/resident beds, and patient/resident belongings.
  21. Demonstrate safe skin care measures.
  22. Identify high risk areas for skin breakdown.
  23. Identify the structures of the skin affected by Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4 pressure ulcers.
  24. Recognize risk factors and describe interventions used to prevent pressure ulcers.
  25. Safely assist a resident with nutrition and hydration.
  26. Identify principles of nutrition.
  27. Setup and serve resident’s meal.
  28. Identify and prepare appropriate meals for a resident according to their prescribed diet as noted on their care plan.
  29. Differentiate between various therapeutic diets.
  30. Prepare the resident for mealtime.
  31. Identify alternative feeding methods for dependent residents.
  32. Assist in helping residents feed self.
  33. Feed resident requiring complete assistance.
  34. Identify adaptive equipment for residents with physical disabilities.
  35. Measure, calculate, and record the resident`s intake of fluids using approved documentation.
  36. Describe and report signs of dehydration.
  37. Identify roles and responsibilities for the care of a resident with tube feeding.
  38. Describe the safe care that is provided throughout the end-of-life period.
  39. List actions to provide emotional support to the resident and their family throughout the end of life.
  40. List the stages of grieving.
  41. Explain the differences between advanced directives according to state and federal regulations.
  42. Compare and contrast palliative and hospice care.
  43. Demonstrate post-mortem care procedures.
Standard 6: Personal Care Skills

Standard 6: Personal Care Skills

Students will be able to demonstrate skills to assist residents with activities of daily living, including personal hygiene, feeding, and elimination.



  1. Demonstrate safe procedures used when responding to resident needs.
  2. Demonstrate the importance of responding to residents’ needs in a timely, compassionate, and professional manner.
  3. List strategies to consistently maintain resident dignity and privacy.
  4. Identify resident positions and list the reasons for their use.
  5. Demonstrate procedures used to position residents.
  6. Demonstrate and safely assist the resident with activities of daily living.
  7. Identify and list ways to encourage independence in personal care for the client.
  8. Demonstrate bed making appropriate to patient`s needs.
  9. Demonstrate personal hygiene appropriate to the resident’s needs.
  10. Demonstrate the assistance of dressing/undressing appropriate to the resident’s needs.  
  11. Demonstrate daily routine hair care.
  12. Demonstrate routine foot care.
  13. Demonstrate fingernail care.
  14. Demonstrate the assistance of safe shower practices appropriate to the resident’s needs.
  15. Demonstrate complete bed bath.
  16. Differentiate between complete and partial bed bath.
  17. Describe procedures used with a whirlpool bath.
  18. Describe the procedure for providing a chlorohexidine (CHG) bath.
  19. Demonstrate resident skin care.
  20. Identify and report skin problems including the four major stages of decubitus ulcer.
  21. Demonstrate safe shaving practice.
  22. Demonstrate denture care.
  23. Demonstrate oral hygiene appropriate to the resident’s needs.
  24. Explain the use and care of hearing appliances.
  25. Explain the care of glasses.
  26. Assist, perform safely, and document skills related to elimination.
  27. Assist residents to the bathroom.
  28. Demonstrate use of a bedpan.
  29. Demonstrate use of a urinal.
  30. Explain the use and demonstrate the maintenance of a commode.
  31. List reasons for establishing and maintaining a toileting schedule for a resident.
  32. Demonstrate emptying of a urinary drainage bag.
  33. Demonstrate urinary catheter care.
  34. Demonstrate application of a condom catheter.
  35. Identify and report urine abnormalities.
  36. Demonstrate straining urine when required.
  37. Demonstrate application and care of an ostomy drainage system.
  38. Demonstrate skincare around an ostomy site.
  39. Identify and report stool abnormalities.
  40. Record output according to facility policy.
  41. Explain the guidelines for collecting a specimen.
  42. Perform urine dipstick.
  43. Perform occult blood testing.
  44. Provide skin care for the incontinent resident.
  45. Describe and document bowel movements.
Standard 7: Residential Care Facility Special Procedures and Skills

Standard 7: Residential Care Facility Special Procedures and Skills

Students will be able to demonstrate special procedures, including performing an electrocardiogram (EKG), use of transfer devices, and restorative care.


  1. Demonstrate the safe performance of special procedures.
  2. Determine the purpose and procedure for active and passive range of motion exercises (PROM).
  3. Demonstrate sizing, application, and removal of elastic stockings.
  4. Demonstrate the application and removal of compression devices.
  5. Demonstrate the measurement of the calf and thigh per facility’s vascular protocol.
  6. Demonstrate procedure for applying and removing restraints.
  7. Describe roles and responsibilities when caring for a resident with restraints.
  8. Demonstrate the use and maintenance of alarm devices.
  9. Describe the roles and responsibilities of a resident with an alarm device.
  10. Prepare and assist residents for physical examination.
  11. Identify positions used for special examinations.
  12. Demonstrate the use of transfer/Gait Belt.
  13. Identify, use, and fit assistive devices and techniques to aid in ambulating residents (e.g., crutches, cane, walker, wheelchair, dangling, and gait belt).
  14. Demonstrate safe use of a wheelchair.
  15. Assist residents to transfer from bed to chair/wheelchair and chair/wheelchair to bed using pivot and ambulatory techniques and transfer belt.
  16. Demonstrate the transfer of a resident with a mechanical lift following all state and federal requirements.
  17. Demonstrate the transfer of a resident from bed to stretcher, and stretcher to bed.
  18. Demonstrate use of a stretcher.
  19. Demonstrate application of limb and chest electrodes and perform a 12-lead EKG.
  20. Identify EKG artifacts and troubleshoot machine failure.
  21. Identify guidelines for oxygen safety.
  22. Demonstrate procedure for post-void residual using a bladder scan.
  23. Demonstrate the procedures to empty various drains.
  24. Describe and demonstrate the safety factors involved in the use of hot and cold applications.
Standard 8: Behavioral and Mental Health Care

Standard 8: Behavioral and Mental Health Care

Students will demonstrate the ability to respond to resident/patient behaviors including those with cognitive and sensory impairments, social or behavioral needs, to ensure physical safety and provide end of life care.



  1. Provide safe care to residents with cognitive, social, and behavioral needs.
  2. Demonstrate respect and cultural competency for diverse populations.
  3. Describe and report different types of cognitive changes, including age-related, mild impairment, dementia, and delirium.
  4. Identify and report common behavioral health symptoms often experienced by residents.
  5. Demonstrate safety techniques used in caring for residents with cognitive, social, and behavioral needs.
  6. Describe effective communications and interventions used in caring for residents with cognitive, social, and behavioral needs.
  7. Identify, provide, and maintain precautions for non-violent, violent, and suicidal residents.
  8. Recognize and report the need for intervention in caring for a resident with substance abuse.
  9. Identify and report the signs and symptoms of abuse.
  10. Describe modifications to care for a bariatric resident.
Standard 9: Human Body Systems

Standard 9: Human Body Systems

Students will be able to identify and categorize the physical, intellectual, and social-emotional stages of growth and development throughout the human lifespan.



  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of growth and development.
  2. Categorize optimal nutritional needs across the lifespan.
  3. List factors that promote a healthy pregnancy.
  4. Describe Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and provide examples of how the needs of each level are met.
  5. Describe the stages of growth and development across the lifespan.
  6. Explain the principles for respecting sexuality and intimacy across the lifespan.
  7. Explain ways to support spirituality across the lifespan.
  8. List health promoting activities across the lifespan.
  9. Identify procedures used with pediatric residents and residents with special needs.
  10. Identify and describe the major body systems, organs, cell functions, anatomical terms, and tissues (e.g., nervous, connective, muscular, and epithelial).
  11. Identify normal and abnormal structures, functions, signs, and symptoms within body systems.
  12. Identify reference areas of the body as they identify body planes, directional terms, abdominal regions and quadrants, body cavities and their contents.
  13. Identify the structure and function of each body system.
  14. Describe age related changes and ways to support each body system.
  15. Examine homeostasis, disease, and disorder as it relates to body systems.

Employability Standards

Standard 10: Employability Skills

Standard 10: Employability Skills

Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the roles of professional communication, critical thinking, problem solving, professionalism, teamwork, and collaboration to the field of work.

  1. Demonstrate the impact of communication skills in a health care setting, including communication to a care coordinator or doctor and communication to a patient.
  2. Prioritize and communicate the most critical information for a health care provider or care coordinator to support positive medical outcomes for a patient.
  3. Describe the flow of information throughout a patient’s experience and estimate the impact of that information on patient outcomes.
  4. Troubleshoot a care plan to find mistargeted or extraneous work that does not contribute to the ultimate health outcomes of a patient.
  5. Design a team-based approach to diagnosis and development of a care plan for a given scenario that includes recruiting teammates and assigning roles.
  6. Examine the health assistant’s role in society, particularly in terms of its significance for employability and career opportunities.

Entrepreneurship Standards

Standard 11: Entrepreneurship

Standard 11: Entrepreneurship

Students will be able to explain various career pathways in the medical field, describe opportunities for entrepreneurship and be able to evaluate the value proposition of business ownership in this field.


  1. Develop a business plan (including initial equipment and staffing needs, a marketing/business plan, and a basic revenue management strategy) for a startup home health care company.
  2. Describe the concept of professional networking and demonstrate personal introductions and an “elevator speech” in a professional setting.
  3. Evaluate the licensing, regulatory and tax implications of entrepreneurship in this field compared to being employed by a hospital or health care organization.

Digital Literacy Standards

Standard 11: Digital Literacy

Standard 12: Digital Literacy and Computer Science

Students will be able to understand the role computer science, digital literacy, and social media play in society and this field.


  1. Demonstrate safe practices and critical thinking when collaborating, researching, and utilizing online resources and platforms common to the health care setting.
  2. Understand how to be a safe and ethical consumer and creator of relevant digital content.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate usage of clinical management software common to the health care setting.
  4. Demonstrate appropriate usage of scheduling and case management software common to the health care setting.
  5. Understand the role of research and preparation in support of a health care professional.